I know I've been writing about not finishing before, out of those I've actually only finished number 2 and 3 on the list. This here is more like some projects I'll try to take on this summer:
Lars Norén - En Dramatikers dagbok
The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
The Diary of Virginia Woolf (1915-1919)
Coming of Age:
Angelica Garnett - Deceived with Kindness
Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Jenny Erpenbeck - Wörterbuch
Nina Bouraoui - La Vie Heureuse
Mare Kandre - Aliide, Aliide
Maria Gripe - Skuggan över Stenbänken
Katarina Frostenson - Berättelser från Dom
Ted Hughes - Birthday Letters
Short Stories:
Franz Kafka - En Svältkonstnär (the short stories published during K's lifetime)
Susan Sontag - Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors
Nancy Huston - Journal de la Création
Katarina Wennstam - En Riktig Våldtäktsman
Virginia Woolf - A Room of One's Own
Djuna Barnes - Nightwood
Ying Chen - Immobile
Lotta Lotass - Min Röst Skall Nu Komma från En Annan Plats i Rummet
Jeanette Winterson - Gut Symmetries
Marisha Pessl - Special Topics in Calamity Physics
Russell Hoban - Turtle Diary (re-read)
Yeah well. Let's see.